Working with controls and automation

Working with controls and automation focuses on using Form controls and ActiveX controls on worksheets, controls on UserForms, and using automation to control Microsoft Word, Microsoft Outlook, and Microsoft Internet Explorer from Excel. 

Adding controls to a worksheet and a UserForm, creating a Word document using values stored in a worksheet, sending emails with a file attached via Outlook to list of recipients stored in a worksheet, entering some text in a text box and clicking a command button on a web page via Internet Explorer are some of examples of automation.

To understand better a concept discussed in this book, simply copy and paste the sample VBA code to the Immediate window, a standard VBA module, or a worksheet module, and run the VBA code or step through the VBA code by using the debugger in VBE. To execute a few lines of code that are not in a Sub procedure (also known as macro), simply enclose them in a new procedure. When the book touches on UserForm, much of VBA code is in UserForm modules.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Working with controls

Form controls versus ActiveX controls on a worksheet

Determine whether a control on a worksheet is a Form control or an ActiveX control

A non-VBA way of adding controls

A Form control and an ActiveX control on a worksheet

Some controls on a UserForm

Form Controls on a worksheet

Refer to a Form control

Refer to Form controls of a type

Add a Form control to a worksheet

Determine the type of a Form control on a worksheet

Assign a macro to a Form control and disconnect the macro from the control

Disable and hide a Form control

The way a Form control attached to a cell

Move a Form control

Copy a Form control

Loop through all Form controls

Loop through Form controls of a particular type

Some operations on …


Option button and group box


Check box

List box

Combo box (Drop down)


Scroll bar

ActiveX controls on a worksheet

Refer to an ActiveX control

Add an ActiveX control to a worksheet

Determine the type of an ActiveX control on a worksheet

Identify events for an ActiveX control

Disable and hide an ActiveX control

Change the caption and font of an ActiveX control

The way an ActiveX control attached to a cell

Move an ActiveX control

Copy an ActiveX control

Loop through ActiveX controls

Loop through ActiveX controls of a particular type

Some operations on …

Command Button

Option button

Frame control


Check box

Text box

List box

Combo box

Spin button

Scroll bar

Image control

Controls on a UserForm

Basic steps in creating a working UserForm

Set the tab order of controls

Consider hot keys for controls

Refer to controls on a UserForm

Disable and hide a control on a UserForm

Change the caption and the font of a control on a UserForm

Determine the type of a control on a UserForm

Move a control within a UserForm

Center a control on a UserForm

Center UserForm on the Excel window

Dynamically add a control that is responsive to events

Loop through all controls on a UserForm

Loop through controls of a particular type

Loop through controls of a type on all Pages of a MultiPage control

Loop through controls of a type on a page of a MultiPage control

Display a timer on a UserForm

Display a countdown timer on a UserForm

Drag around a control on a UserForm

Simulate a free-falling object on a UserForm

Link a range of cells to a list box

Chapter 2: Automation

Early binding versus late binding

Working with the Word application

Create a document behind the scene

Paste data from an Excel workbook to specific locations on a Word document

Working with Outlook application

Send a simple email

Send an email with a workbook or file attached

Send an email with a sheet attached

Send an email to each person with a specific file

Working with Internet Explorer

Navigate to a web page

Click a hyperlink on a web page

Ways to identify HTML elements

Check an option button on a web page

Click a button control on a web page

Select an item from a combo box

Extract URLs of hyperlinks

Sign in to an account

Find the right Internet Explorer window among all open windows