Changing workbook appearance

Changing workbook appearance focuses on changing the appearances of the worksheet cells, the worksheets of a workbook, the row and column headings, the sheet tabs, the layout view of a worksheet, the status bar, the formula bar, the Ribbon, and the Cell context menu. Figure 1 shows the components that will undergo certain changes in their appearances. In this menu, almost half of it covers on how to customize the Ribbon.



Figure 1: The discussed components in this menu that will undergo certain changes in their appearances.


The main purpose of changing the appearance is to let the users to have a better working experience when they are using your program. The changes may affect from just a worksheet cell, a range of cells, and a worksheet to the entire active workbook and every opened workbook. To see how the code affects the appearance, simply copy and paste the code into the Immediate window, a VBA module, or Custom UI Editor, and run the VBA code (or step through the VBA code by using the debugger in VBE) or reopen the workbook file (that stores the code) in Excel.

To facilitate the process of copying the code in this menu and pasting it into VBE and Custom UI Editor, you may download the code from here.

In discussing the VBA code, this site does not list all the possible built-in constants, methods and properties of the discussed objects. Rather it lists samples of commonly used constants, methods and properties with some short explanations (and with hints on how to explore further) to illustrate the ideas in accomplishing certain tasks. You can then easily find others by exploring the Object Browser window and the VBA Help system.

The items in this menu only focus on changing the appearances in Excel 2007-2016 for Windows. All the VBA code and XML code were tested in Excel 2007, 2010, and 2016. And the code should work in Excel 2013 too. The screenshots were taken from Excel 2016. The items do not discuss the workings on cells, sheets, workbooks, and files. Only in the coming menus in this site, you will encounter VBA code in, for examples, finding the last row and column of a named range, auto-filling a range, conditional formatting a range of cells, saving and retrieving the settings of your programs in the Windows Registry, copying between worksheets and workbooks, and automating the Outlook and Internet Explorer applications.

The last item in this drop-down menu is a sample program that adopts most of the discussed ideas. You may download the program for Excel 2007 and Excel 2010-2016 to see how it changes the appearance of a workbook.


Table of Contents

Changing workbook appearance

Cell formatting



Fill with color

Border line style, color, and weight

Number format

Hide contents


Hide and unhide gridlines


Sheet tabs

Hide and unhide the sheet tabs

Color a sheet tab

Status bar

Hide and unhide the status bar

Write to and read from the status bar

Reset the status bar

Workbook views

Normal view

Page break preview

Page layout view

Window views

Maximize, minimize, restore, and display the active window in full-screen mode

Position and size the active window

Center the active window

Split the active window into panes

Freeze the split panes of the active window

Zoom slider

Zoom in and out

Scroll bars

Hide and unhide the scroll bars

Scroll a row and scroll a column

Set the scroll area

Rows in a worksheet and a macro sheet

Hide and unhide the row heading

Hide and unhide rows


Columns in a worksheet and a macro sheet

Hide and unhide column heading

Hide and unhide columns


Formula bar

Hide and unhide the formula bar


Names in the Name box

Hide names


Hide and unhide the Ribbon

Minimize the Ribbon

Execute commands not in and in the Ribbon

Activate a Ribbon tab in two different ways

Identify the names (idMsos) of built-in controls, groups, tabs, tab sets, and context menus

Identify the names (imageMsos) of predefined images for controls

Add built-in controls to the Ribbon

Add custom controls to the Ribbon

Hide and unhide controls, groups, and tabs

Disable and enable controls, groups, and tabs

Repurpose certain built-in controls

Monitor a built-in control

Add a dynamic menu

Retain the ticked condition of a custom check box

Cell context menu (in Excel 2010 and later)

Add a button control

Add other types of controls

A sample program